By Region

Romania / The Old Regat

Andrada Fătu-Tutoveanu, Building Socialism, Constructing People: Identity Patterns and Stereotypes in Late 1940s and 1950s Romanian Cultural Press

Raul Cârstocea, Anti-Semitism in Romania: Historical Legacies, Contemporary Challenges

 Liviu Neagoe, Cetățenie, națiune, etnicitate

Elena Dragomir, Cold War Perceptions. Romania’s Policy Change Towards the Soviet Union (1960-1964)



Historical Population Database of Transylvania 1850-1914 (HPDT)

Anders E. B. Blomqvist, Economic Nationalizing in the Ethnic Borderlands of Hungary and Romania : Inclusion, Exclusion and Annihilation in Szatmár/Satu-Mare 1867–1944

Adrian Onofreiu – Research on the Năsăud Romanian Border Regiment (Austrian Military Border)

Botond Nagy – Research on the Hungarian-Romanian Border – end of 19th, beginning of 20th C.

Ágoston Berecz, The Politics of Early Language Teaching. Hungarian in the Primary Schools of the Late Dual Monarchy

 Florian Kührer-Wielach, Siebenbürgen ohne Siebenbürger? Staatliche Integration und neue Identifikationsangebote zwischen Regionalismus und nationalem Einheitsdogma im Diskurs der Siebenbürger Rumänen. 1918–1933.


The Banat

Ágoston Berecz, The Politics of Early Language Teaching. Hungarian in the Primary Schools of the Late Dual Monarchy

Irina Marin, The Formation and Allegiance of the Romanian Military Elite Originating from the Banat Military Border


Bessarabia / The Republic of Moldova

Moldova: A Borderland‘s Fluid History

Андрей Кушко, Виктор Таки, при участии Олега Грома. Бессарабия в составе Российской империи (1812—1917)// Andrei Cușco et al., Bessarabia in the Russian Empire (1812-1917)



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